Externally analysed datasets
Datasets reanalysed with our standard pipelines
Fly Cell Atlas datasets:
Other datasets:
This is a software release only, so no new datasets have been added or updated.
This is a data release and includes no changes to the Single Cell Expression Atlas application.
The main purpose of this data release is to improve the ontology based annotations that power the new organ anatomograms.
This is a software release only, so no new datasets have been added or updated
Three new datasets relating to COVID-19:
All the Galaxy tools and workflows mentioned above can be run on https://humancellatlas.usegalaxy.eu/ for reproducibility.
The Galaxy tools can be installed on other Galaxy instances through the Galaxy Toolshed. Please install the suite_scanpy_scripts and gtf2gene_list Galaxy Toolshed packages. To run the clustering part you will need 10x matrix market format files (raw normalised counts, available from the downloads on each experiment) and the GTF file for the organism in question from either Ensemble or Ensemble Genomes.
New species!
New featured collection! - with data arising from the DIAMONDS project
New proteomics experiments
RNAseq of human bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells in co-culture with endothelial cells
RNA-seq in GR18 cell line to identify genes regulated by the Glucocorticoid Receptor (24h treatment)
Receptor Tyrosine Kinase pathway activation is sufficient to trigger chordoma in zebrafish
RNA-seq of total and polysomal RNA of clk-1(qm30) mutants in Caenorhabditis elegans
Baseline experiment types, except for cell lines, can be viewed on a heatmap.
Ensembl 78 / Ensembl Genomes 25 gene annotations and array design probe set mappings.
This release contains 909 datasets, including 57 RNA-seq experiments. 24 of these report baseline gene expression, across a total of 16 different organisms. 885 datasets study samples in 2,226 differential comparisons across 20 different organisms.
RNA-seq of coding RNA from tissue samples of 122 human individuals representing 32 different tissues data set is now available;
Ensembl 78 / Ensembl Genomes 24 gene annotations and array design probe set mappings.
This release contains 873 datasets, including 50 RNA-seq experiments. 23 ofthese report baseline gene expression, across a total of 16 different organisms. 850 datasets study samples in 2,121 differential comparisons across 20 different organisms.
Please note that splice variant expression quantification is no longer available in Atlas. We have also replaced Cufflinks2 with HTSeq for gene expression quantification.
By clicking on the link highlighted on the image below, the experiment data can now by filtered by gene/protein keywords that were mined from the supporting publication by Europe PubMed Central. Click here to try it out.
Welcome to the new Expression Atlas service! The old Expression Atlas and its underlying data will no longer be updated or maintained, but limited support will be offered while the process of re-curation, re-analysis and transferring of experiments to the new Expression Atlas is on-going.
We would like to thank our users for their continuous support, and encourage them to help us shape the new Expression Atlas by:
Enjoy the new Expression Atlas!